The Cambridge Playlaws are a series playlaws that encourage Cambridge citizens to reconnect with their playful selves and to be more playful in public spaces. There will be 10.6 plaques in total – 10 complete plaques and 0.6 of plaque that will be just over half legible – responding to the way in which the project is funded ie through Public Art Section 106 develop contributions.
The plaques will be located within the project’s S106 boundary which takes the form of a 2km diameter circle emanating from Warren Close near to the railway station. The plaques may prompt passers-by to do something playful, silly or fanciful; others may recall memories of playing out in the past; whilst some may imagine a different future for those public spaces.
The plaques will also exist on a dedicated project website ( which aims to capture people’s memories, playful activities and imaginings.
Creating the Playlaws
The Cambridge Playlaws are being co-created with local people through a number of workshops with local schools, community playing out sessions hosted by Playbox and the recruitment of imaginative adults as Play Agents.
All of these activities will be logged on the project website which will form a rich database of information from which the Playlaws will be created. Playful memories, activities and dreams will be considered alongside potential locations so that each Playlaw resonates with its site in terms of content, application, location and height. Each plaque will include a QR code that will direct people back to the project website.
The Cambridge Playlaws is a new public art work commissioned by Cambridge City Council working in partnership with Cambridge Junction.
You can find out more about how to get involved here.