Ribbons sculpture celebrating the women of Leeds


Ribbons is finally underway!

Posted 11 months ago

Five long years after it was commissioned, Ribbons is finally underway!


So by way of reminder, Ribbons is a sculpture that will sited at Playhouse Gardens between Leeds City College and Leeds Playhouse and celebrates the achievements of our city’s women.


The sculpture comprises of several corten steel ribbons carrying the names of 384 women nominated by the public. The ribbons rise up out of the ground, becoming intertwined, tied together over space and time in a celebration of womanhood that is embedded in the very fabric of our city.


Today the list of women included on the sculpture has been announced! They include women of all ages and backgrounds, past and present who have made a contribution to Leeds. Reading through the nominations has been an emotional experience and I have been truly humbled by their stories and moved by their incredible journeys: from women who have broken glass ceilings and overcome cultural, social, economic and physical barriers to rise to the top of their professions to those who fly beneath the radar and whose contribution is neither seen nor recognised. Ribbons is a massive thank you to all of them whose love, friendships, commitment, passion and dedication impact all of our lives every day.


The project was developed by Rachel Reeves MP and led by Leeds Arts University working in partnership with Leeds City College and Leeds City Council with a view to redressing the gender balance of public art in the city.


Ribbons is supported by LeedsBID, Caddick, Leeds Civic Trust, the Liz and Terry Bramall Foundation and the Henry Moore Foundation.


You can read more about the project by going to Ribbons or the official press release here. Alternatively you can go straight to the list of nominated women here.


Photos 2-4 by Memory Potifa