
Ribbons online

Posted 4 years ago

Ribbons is included in Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Rights, a new exhibition that explores contemporary debates around women’s rights and gender equality in the UK in the context of a long history of activism. Of course, this was meant to be a real life exhibition at Leeds Central Library featuring the maquette for the sculpture but Covid put paid to that!

However, Leeds Libraries and Studio 12 have done a fab job of creating an online exhibition highlighting the unique contribution made in Leeds to the campaign for gender equality.

You can view the exhibition here. Please make sure you click on Settings in the top right hand corner (the little cog symbol) and turn the narration ON. That way you will be able to hear people talking about the women they’ve nominated for inclusion on the sculpture – when you’ve found the right icon that is!

Click here to find out more about the exhibition. Ribbons is included under the ‘Voice’ section.

I’m hoping to actually start making Ribbons next year, Covid permitting…